Sunday, August 31, 2008

Damp(n) weekend

August's last weekend could not have been damper, lousier or wetter than it was. Record rainfall, submerging Bangalore, invading homes and wreaking havoc on the already pathetic roads. We were home for the most part and did not really experience the fury of the gods. I guess our own fury and frustration was equalling that of nature. What is it that makes marriages start to smell this way... I'll never understand. Or is it just me?

And Rishab - my poor baby..having a heavy albatross around his neck of "be a good boy", "behave in class", "pay attention", "don't disturb others", "don't trouble", "finish your homework", "eat your food", "go to bed" , "don't watch too much TV", "listen to elders", "change your clothes", "complete your class work", "smile", "sleep", "eat", "study","wash up", "play", "come back on time"........endless instructions, endless expectations.

Is this really a happy childhood? Is it any wonder that his smiles are getting strained and artificial and do not reflect the joy of growing up ?

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